Getting Rid of Ocean Waste | Teen Ink

Getting Rid of Ocean Waste

April 1, 2024
By fill2425 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
fill2425 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I had all the power in the world I would help take all the trash out of the ocean. This would take a long time but will hopefully cure the ongoing problems we had with this. We would first start off with the Great Barrier Reef. Start small then continue to get rid of the issue. 

We would first start by placing a law or rule that would not allow for people to throw their trash into the ocean. Then we would put a fine in place for anyone that has been caught doing it, fines could reach up to $1,000. This would give a warning to the people that do put waste into the ocean, giving them a reason not to do it. 

Another way we could do this is by having a donation event. Like what Mr Beast did, when you donate a pound of trash comes out of the ocean. So for every 10 dollars donated we could do a pound of waste removed. With this being added it can give the people motivation to donate to help with the problem of waste in the ocean. 

Finally we would start cleaning different parts of the oceans. First by starting on the coasts to then moving into the center. By getting rid of ocean waste by the coasts it helps prevent it from flowing into main water, where it can sink or even be eaten by wildlife. We would then be helped by volunteers to even do trash pickup on the beaches to prevent it from flowing into the ocean as well. Our last standpoint on this problem would also affect the wildlife that depends on other wildlife to live. Especially waterlife animals, making sure that they don’t eat the trash which ultimately kills them. And also the animals that live on shore. 

Overall this problem is huge and will take lots of money, but with the power of people we could solve this problem in the next decade and save lots of wildlife. 

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