House of Nature | Teen Ink

House of Nature

August 18, 2011
By littlewolf922 BRONZE, Allison Park, Pennsylvania
littlewolf922 BRONZE, Allison Park, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"For you a thousand times over."

In the early morning, steady streams of sunlight filtering in reveal the delicate dust particles strewn about—in no particular pattern. Freshly spun spider webs discovered. Among the foliage, squirrels scamper in search of breakfast, thinking, “nuts, acorns, nuts.” Not too far off in the thicket, the ground dwellers awake. Cautiously, a groundhog peeps out—is the coast clear? The day only beginning, my turn has come to leave this perfect sanctuary, for this is not my home, but theirs. Whilst the forest creatures arise I part the green world, in search of my own adventures. Everything breathing shuffles to the relaxing breeze, leaving me to wonder—are they wishing me good luck?


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