Touches Of Tones | Teen Ink

Touches Of Tones MAG

By Anonymous

   What a wonderful process - the changing of the seasons. Winter is a time of obscurity. The days are short and the nights are long. Spring is the season of new life. Leaf seedlings germinate, grass grows greener than ever, and flowers sprout. Summer is the season of heat. Nights are short and days are long. Fall is the season of leaves.

The leaves start out green but then begin to wilt, they become deprived of the materials they need to survive. The leaves then begin to change colors. Tones of yellow, red, orange, and brown engulf each tree. Among the many, there are still those few green leaves that strive to hold onto their life. It can be very scary to get clawed by rakes and put into large dark orange bags with ugly faces on them. Other than sitting there on the ground - sleeping - and waiting for a large machine with sharp rotating blades to run over you to suck you in whole and spit you back out into ten different pieces, the worst of all is being burned.

Weeks after the leaves have fallen, they suffocate under a large white sheet of solid water. They try as hard as they can to get out, but they simply loose control of all their functions - not that they had any control to begin with. When the snow evaporates, there they are again. ^


This article has 1 comment.

i love this so much!