How Many Animals Will You Kill in 2015? | Teen Ink

How Many Animals Will You Kill in 2015?

January 12, 2015
By carley woods BRONZE, Oceanside, California
carley woods BRONZE, Oceanside, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When you are taking a bite of your delicious burger. Remember one thing... An animal had to die so you can have that juicy piece of meat. Around eight billion animals are killed in the U.S. so humans can have food every year. This number is greater than the population of humans on our planet. If you are a human that eats meat you are likely to eat about Twenty-four animals per year, that's a lot of animals. You can save animals lives by not eating that piece of bacon or not eating that burger. The only way to stop the amount of animals that are being slaughtered each year is to stop eating the meat. If everyone stops eating meat then we don't need to have more slaughterhouses that take up space. And more people that don't have homes can have homes. Say no next time when you see a delicious piece of meat.

The only thing that's worse than the amount of animals being killed each year. Is how the animals are being killed. It's not like the olden days where they could grow up and roam free until old age and are then killed. No the animals are crammed into small cages with no free space. And tourchered for the workers amusement. Chickens for example are living their lives in small cages with no space to even move, and are debeaked so they don't peck each other to death. To makes things worse the meat you love so much. Is pumped full of various powerful drugs that will kill any diseases caused by the awful living conditions. These drugs make them grow faster than normal and produce faster then normal. When the older animals like cows stop producing milk they are slaughtered to make low-grade meat. If you stop eating meat for a year you can save thirty animals. That's if just one person becomes a vegetarian. That's not even getting into fish, that is the amount of land animals saved each year.

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