Experimental Frenzy | Teen Ink

Experimental Frenzy

March 24, 2009
By Asheq Ahmed BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
Asheq Ahmed BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Newspapers and magazine articles all over the world sound off an alarm (similar to the pre-snooze annoyance to a sleep deprived teenager) and siren the attention of countless potential epidemics. Each year, hundreds of consumer products and articles of food are flung from the market as millions of humans let out a long sigh of relief as they maintain their fear of possible extinction. Businesses don’t really need to worry about that. As long as businesses or government agencies comprehend the need to experiment, the never ending existence of microbes and then need to revolutionize human nutrition, simple precautionary experimentation using non-life-threatening conditions are all that apply when migrating foreign species across the globe.
Many may argue this stance of mostly lassiez-faire policy on the relocation of organisms is nothing shy of dangerous, but in reality, none of the scientific glories in history were born without the need to experiment. For example, the “coke” frenzy was nothing more than an attempt to create some sort of illness remedy. Following a couple of major revisions, “coke” now exists in millions of diets across the nation. Similarly, an attempt to experiment with living organisms promotes the same possible occurrence of finding something “else” mildly useful. While the accidental importation of balsam woolly adelgids (insects) results in substantial death of balsam fir trees, some may view the incidence as “something we don’t know”. There may be significant health-related progress buried deep within the interaction between these insects and their ecosystem; we just need to find it. (National)
Besides simple experimentation motives, worried environmentalists everywhere should realize the scale of population between large organisms and the ever-so-popular virus. Many of the precautionary motives and strict guidelines of handling organisms are based on the prevention of massacres done by the proliferation of viruses. People worry about all sorts of organisms, even papaya, which “thrived” in a local Hawaii society and within a few years totally vanished. What environmentalists fail to realize is the never ending life cycle of a virus. As long as mutation promoting factors still exist on this planet (which will exist until the day humans are also incapable of living on Earth) there is simply nothing humans can do to significantly stunt the growth of these pests besides drenching the planet in Ammonia (Event then, some would still exist in extreme pH conditions). Trying to prevent every major outbreak of microbe existence is like trying to kill a marvel character: Wolverine. Each hit he (or microbes) take(s) results in continued proliferation and ultimately, nothing happens. If the human race ceases to exist, I’m sure saving papaya had little to do with it. (Devine)
Lastly, just as humans seem to lack the awareness of an invincible lifespan of the “microbe”, they also lack the need to revolutionize the international diet. As explained by the National Research Council Report, the quinoa is a staple crop and is the primary source of protein for natives of the Incan Tribe. Any harm to this protein-filled capsule of a food endangers the growth and development of all its’ surrounding inhabitants. But why? Just as the “One Laptop Per Child” program attempts to revolutionize the technology and literary deficit in underdeveloped nations, an attempt to revolutionize the protein intake of our risky societies may be justly applicable. The human diet uses the resources of 20 amino acids. Just because the quinoa feeds the South American stomach with its array of content doesn’t mean scientists cannot package a replacement supplement to contain the same array of protein.
As explained by experimentation, microbe phenomenon, and protein universality, businesses need not worry about cross-continental organism-based endeavors. Humans only exist on this planet for such a short “relative” time that we should embrace the experimental horizon.


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