Teen Pregnancy | Teen Ink

Teen Pregnancy

January 8, 2016
By WayanC BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
WayanC BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In today’s society teens pregnancy has increased sustainably. Although everyone should use condoms; Parents of teens, ages 15 to 20 should advise their kids to use protection.  Teen pregnancies in the United States in 2013,a total of 273,105 babies were born to women ages 15-19 years old for a live birth rate 26.6 per 1,000 women in this age group.Teen pregnancy shouldn't be allowed at such a young age, they have a life to fulfil before a baby comes.

Teen’s shouldn't be pregnant at the age of 16. “Parenthood is the leading reason that teen girls drop out of school.”(“Women’s Issues on About.com: News and Perspectives”) That's why teen pregnancy is not a great decision at age 16You don't have all the things needed to take care of a baby or the money to help the baby and you too.”Less than 2% of teen moms earn a college degree by age 30”(“Women’s Issues on About.com: News and Perspectives”).Thats horrible you need a college degree to get a job at 23yrs.At that age you can actually have a plan to do in life. “8 out of 10 teen dads don't marry the mother of their child.”(“Women’s Issues on About.com: News and Perspectives”)Teen moms get left and have to do all the heavy lifting when.They have no one to turn to when they're in need of help. Teen should not be pregnant at 16 because it causes stress,anxiety, and being overwhelmed.


More than half of all mothers on welfare had their first child as a teenager.In fact,two-thirds of families begins by a young unmarried mother are poor. “Some of these programs are government funded while others are private adoption agencies.”(“DoSomething.org | Volunteer for Social Change”)Welfare is to help mothers take  
care of their children.That's why they need welfare to help them get the supplies they need for the baby. “Many pregnant teens do not have health insurance or are unable to pay for these medical expenses themselves.”(“DoSomething.org | Volunteer for Social Change”)Teens need welfare for doctor visits for the baby.Teen mom’s don't have enough money to pay for all the doctor visits and food. “WIC offers education,nutrition and breast feeding support for pregnant teens and young mothers who have children up to age 5.”(“DoSomething.org | Volunteer for Social Change”)WIC is a great place for teen moms to get a good life again.To go back to school and have new beginnings and to a better life and fresh start.Using welfare is a great start to mothering better and having a eduction.

A sexually active teen who doesn’t contraceptives has a 90% chance of becoming pregnant within a year. “Young people ,between the ages of 15 to 24 account for 50% of all new STDs,although they represent just 25.9% of the sexually experienced population.”(Women's Issues on About.com: News and...)Teens should slow down before a 100% of teens have stds. “The annual number of new infections is roughly equal among teen girls (51%) and teen guys (49%)(“DoSomething.org | Volunteer for Social Change”)Females are the ones who get pregnant faster because they don’t know how to control themselves. “In 2013, gonorrhea rates were highest among adolescents and young adults.In 2013,the highest rates were observed among women aged 20-24 years (578.5) ans 15-19 years (521.2).(DoSomething.org | Volunteer for Socia...)I can’t belive that 15-19 years old are even crose to what women have.


Teen’s shouldn’t get pregnant at age 16 because they're so young they have there whole life ahead of them to take care a young baby when there just as young.Not all teen’s can get STDs as a young mother.Yeah but 99% do get STDs at teen mom’s better safe then sorry.Not all young mothers that are teen moms need welfare.A Lot of teens need it to start off there parenthood they need to start somewhere.Condoms don't work all the time it could broken,to small,and expired.That is true but 98% of the time they do work strongly and just read it.I still believe that teens should not be pregnant at age 16. I still believe that teens should not be pregnant.

Teen’s should wait until they're older and know everything there is to know about  raising a child to have unprotected sex. If teens start using protection the teen pregnancy rate will go down. Teens need be aware of who they have sexual intercourse with and make sure they use protection. If your ever in need of help go to parenthood.com with more help with your questions and your baby.



work cited
“DoSomething.org | Volunteer for Social Change.” N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Jan. 2016.
“Website.” N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2016.
“Women’s Issues on About.com: News and Perspectives.” About.com News & Issues. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Jan. 2016.


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