It Sucks To Be Unique | Teen Ink

It Sucks To Be Unique

October 2, 2018
By Firefly_Benett BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Firefly_Benett BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The article "It Sucks To Be Unique" by "Cade" explains different things that happen to people who are what other people find unnormal like being apart of LGBTQ. These things that happen are said verbally while using such hateful terms which can damage your mentality and emotions. I have had my own experience with hearing such negative words because of being gay. It was mainly in middleschool that I would get picked on mostly by boys and I have gotten bullied verbally and physically. The words that the boys would say would made me feel negative towards myself. "Cade" had explained his experience of being mistreated for being gay but even though the words hurt he pushed through with the pain and kept his head high. I wish I had the strength to have done that. It was until the seventh grade that I mustered up the strength and confidence to not care about what anyone said to me. Although I do not care what people say about me whether it is to my face or behind my back, my past with getting bullied had helped me in both negative and positive way. The positive side was that I love who I am and that I should not care what others think of me as I can be whoever I want to be because it is my choice and no one can tell me otherwise. The negative side is that my bullied experiences have deeply damaged my mentally and emotionally. "Cade" had said in his article about Identity that "Words are weapons and can injure just like guns do"("Cade"). It is true that words can be used as weapons and can injure you like a gun can but if words hurt you and it becomes a wound, the wound can heal overtime with support from yourself and others or it can stay an open wound and infect your mentality. Throughout my suffering, I have realized that I am thankful for the boys being rude to me because it only made me stronger. Thank you "Cade" for telling your experiences that not only me but so many others can possibly feel and relate to your experiences.

The author's comments:

My name is Keevin. The image I used is a buffalo. The buffalo can be seen to represent to have the endurance to overcome anything and have great emotional courage.

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