UnCharted 4: The Thief End | Teen Ink

UnCharted 4: The Thief End

October 3, 2018
By Xanng BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Xanng BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The review that Hobbs has done for UnCharted 4 was a good review. Touching topics like the theme and summary of the stories helps the reader know that UnCharted really did deserve Game of the Year. It makes me as a gamer happy because incidents like the one with IGN reviews makes me not trust reviewers that much because what they say might stop me from a great experiences with that game. It has always been in the back of my head that sometimes company bride thm with money so that their game could recevie good reviews from big company like IGN. I'm just happy that TeenInk could dedicate one page for video games. 

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