Musical Prodigy Who? | Teen Ink

Musical Prodigy Who?

November 27, 2018
By lulu_kirkland BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
lulu_kirkland BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “Musical Prodigy Who”, written by “Jill,” talks about picking between orchestra and journalism. Her writing left me feeling proud of her choice. “Jill,” the author of the article “Musical Prodigy Who?” writes about an issue many teens and I face. She states, “It’s my sophomore year, and my counselor just informed me that I can’t take journalism and orchestra next year because they’re during the same class period.” My friends and I have all had the problem of needing to pick between classes we want. The author also talks about her struggles with her parents. She explains, “The shame of having an interest in the liberal arts, couples with the fear of being shunned by my parents, kept me from expressing my passion for writing to my parents.” The author makes this very relatable because almost all teens have troubles with their parents at times. Jill’s writing is very clear and straightforward. It is written very well, and I didn’t get confused.

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