A Letter to the People I've Told by Adelle | Teen Ink

A Letter to the People I've Told by Adelle

January 10, 2019
By MaceyBright SILVER, Ayersville, Ohio
MaceyBright SILVER, Ayersville, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled A Letter to the People I’ve Told, written by Adelle, talks about sexual assault and how she dealt with it. Her writing left me feeling sympathetical and understanding of her feelings. In her writing, Adelle, talks about her experience on opening up to people about sexual assault. She also talks about people not believing her and even defending the assaulter. Adelle says in her writing, “I never want you to tell me that my assaulter didn’t know what he did was wrong…the nature of assault means that all power is taken away from the victim, and therefore they have no control over the situation at hand.” She says, “I want you to see me not as the shell of the being I once was, but as the same person with an extra crack in her structure.” This is not the only woman, or man for that matter, that has to live with this. It’s an ongoing issue that needs to be taken seriously. Adelle tells people that she doesn’t want pity, but to be listened to and understood. Lastly, Adelle said, “I will get better. Someday I will find myself again. But I need your help. Your hand. Your heart.” I believe this article and extremely valid and there’s so many people who should read this.

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