Male Rape Response | Teen Ink

Male Rape Response

September 10, 2019
By AM2021 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
AM2021 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled Male Rape, written by Saloni M, talks about male rape is mainly ignored. Her writing left me feeling grateful for caring about it. I agree with the author because men could be rape. I understand men could be stronger but there can be raped as well. “Men and stronger than women, Men can’t be raped, only women are raped.” I’m not surprised that men get raped because people are sick in today world. I haven’t seen it or no one talks about it here but I know it happens. I’m wondering why people can do that to anyone and enjoy their life. I don’t see why male raped isn’t the same a woman raped. I see it as raped in general and it should be stopped. “Rape of a man is still considered rape.” I think it is awful for anyone to go through that and be traumatize from it. So, I think people should gave help form someone they trust to help them out.

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