Are submissions to the editor really even being looked at? | Teen Ink

Are submissions to the editor really even being looked at?

February 15, 2010
By Anonymous

Logically speaking, how many articles are being submitted every day? Quite a lot is the answer. Half the stories submitted may only be rejected from containing swear words or unpleasant scenes. Even so, can violence really be accepted? Some articles are really based around blood and gore. Others are just plain dumb. Not naming any stories but some are plainly have no plot and don't even make any sense. Does you really want us to read stories that waste our time?
Some people would like to agree but they really would prefer waiting longer than to have articles passed through that are plainly pointless.

The author's comments:
I received inspiration from horrible articles I've read

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on Feb. 25 2010 at 1:16 am
HeadshotM SILVER, Melbourne, New York
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lol foiled