Anyone but me | Teen Ink

Anyone but me

November 22, 2013
By Lollie Bezahler BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
Lollie Bezahler BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Article “Anyone But Me” by Hannah caught my attention because I liked the message it was sending—that you are perfect the way you are and should never try to be someone else. In this story, Hannah is bullied constantly about her weight even from her own friends. She didn't know any better because she was being who she was and you can’t change that. I can see how that is because it is like gossip, you join in because it’s cool and everybody else is doing it but something deep inside of you is telling me it is wrong and outside of my moral compass. Gossiping is not who I am but it may be who someone else is. I like how the author started with a description of herself and then said “I was just me. How was I to know I was supposed to be someone else?” It’s not fair that people get bullied for being who they are and expressing that.

In the end, Hannah finds a new group of friends and realizes that those people are who she wants to be with and who can help her be successful in life. Hannah ended the article saying “ I don’t blame those girls on the monkey bars for what they did. I only have myself to blame for caring. For wanting to be anyone but me.” I really think those lines describe the story and that you just have to stay strong when being bullied and no one can tell you who you can and can’t be.

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