Just One Picture | Teen Ink

Just One Picture

November 26, 2013
By Saige Araujo BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
Saige Araujo BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I read “Just One Picture” by Kate, I realized that people can post almost anything they want online. I realized that my parents were right when they said that you should never post or send anything that i’ll ever regret. This piece changed my thinking because I realized that people are very mean and get bullied more than I thought.

This story is about a girl getting bullied and ends up feeling worthless. Some boy Richard asked her for naked pictures, and she first said no. He never texted back and she thought that Richard was mad because she didn't send the picture. She finally sent them to him, and unfortunately he posted the picture on Facebook, that made her very embarrassed, and feel even more worthless. As a result took 40 pills. At the end of the story she got the help she needed and felt better about herself.

This piece caught my attention because of the inset in the middle says “just one click sealed my fate”, and I wanted to know what that meant and what she was talking about.

I heard of a similar situation on the TV, a tv show called Cyberbully when Emily Osmit was getting bullied by her best friend, but she didn't know it was her, she started taking pills just like the girl in the story. I don't agree when she took pills, I just think she should've told her grandparents and gotten help earlier.

What I like about the story, is that the author Kate used dialogue and said “don't lose hope, you've just got to believe in yourself and seek help if you are struggling. Im so glad I did.”, this inspires me to never lose hope, even when life seems hopeless.

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