Feedback - The First Time | Teen Ink

Feedback - The First Time

May 1, 2014
By Anonymous

“The First Time,” published in the May ’14 issue, is an article that expresses the significant of patience. The narrator of the article describes the event in which her first boyfriend and first kiss became her first intimate, sexual experience. She explains that it could only be a “first” once and you cannot take that fact for granted. Before you commit yourself to doing something so serious, especially for the first time, you have to stop and think about the future. Because of the experience that “Kim” had endured, she had to try for a very long time to get past it and stop hating herself for what she’d done - all of this for one mistake that she did not stop and think through before she’d done it.

This boy that had hurt her in such a way with this experience was a horrible person, something that she was too blind to see at that time. But, the narrator did not think the fact that he was not the right one and that this was a stupid idea through at the time. She only realized later, when it was too late to change things. This memoir teaches teenagers not to rush to do such big things because although everybody wants to grow up and have these much discussed experiences, they will regret it if they do not wait until the right time.

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