LIfe is a Game Of Dress-Up | Teen Ink

LIfe is a Game Of Dress-Up

October 2, 2014
By Randy Oung BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Randy Oung BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Life is A Game of Drees-Up" Feedback 
Many people may not have realized this yet. Sue realized she didn’t have, or need to fit in like everyone else. The article "Life is A Game of Dress-Up" written by Sue is an article we all can to relate too, but don’t realize it until it's brought up. We all try to fit in, or look a certain way because of society; The author's sister tells her, " Buy the clothes you like, not what someone else likes." Her sister made her realize she didn’t want to be like everyone else and continuing to dress how they wanted her to dress.Sue really made the readers really think about the way they dress and why. Her article may not say this, but it's implied. If you dress the way everyone else does and not the way you feel most comfortable in, then you feel less comfortable in your own skin. By dressing like the way she felt like the next day peers started to compliment her outfit and liked the way she dress. Not only does it show that you don’t have to dress a certain way so no one will criticize you, but others will like you for the real you; not over some high fashion fancy name brand clothing. Every game is different, but be the character you want to be in your game.

The author's comments:

This article made me question about the way i drees and why i do it. The title is very true many people dont realize it but we just have to be want we want

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