Secondhand Insecuritiy | Teen Ink

Secondhand Insecuritiy

October 17, 2014
By rach12_17 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
rach12_17 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Secondhand Insecury," by Allison Ives embarked on my heart with her well writen personal narrative. She discusses how teenagers are warned about unhealthy food, cancer, and drugs but, not the impact of anothers words that are lashed out. She describes a crucial time and feelings I can relate to when it comes to an older siblings pushing their own flaws or insecurities to being your own. Allson notes that the innocent are attacked by the insecure ones and this leads to the innocent being pressured with faults that are not even there. These under the weather and depressed teenages need to find a better outlet to their grief then, onto the vunerable younger siblings. Allison made these insecurities easy to relate to and I agree that teenagers need to become more aware of these insecurities. Allison opened my eyes and I hope it does to others too. 

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