Scouting for Food | Teen Ink

Scouting for Food

November 10, 2014
By Joe MartinRomero BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Joe MartinRomero BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  I liked what the kid did in the article "scouting for food". His actions were very positive in what he was trying to do for the community. The kid says in the article, "As I turned the corner, I saw a line of people by the church, and the realization hit me: these were the people who relied on donated food to feed their families. I had finally seen the direct impact of my volunteer work". Bjorn had done something very thoughtful for his community and it takes a lot of committment and dedication to do something like this for your community. Thank you Bjorn Pearson for showing me that there are still people in this world that are full of kindness.

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