nothing is permanent | Teen Ink

nothing is permanent

December 11, 2014
By Alex Rego BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
Alex Rego BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
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In the poem “Nothing is Permanent” by “Helen,” the author brought to life one of the most relatable, true statements I’ve ever heard. “Helen” makes a great connection when she explains that just because there is no rain, doesn’t mean it isn’t gray. She is creating a very vivid image to support the first two lines of the poem where she writes, “it doesn’t mean that I am cured / if I’m not sad today.”
I think teens everywhere could relate in some way to these truthful four lines. When I read them, I felt like “Helen” read my mind, I was shocked, and had to read the poem over and over again. I couldn’t believe how straightforward she was in describing this feeling of constant confusion and loneliness, and it filled me with this hope and assurance that I am not alone. I absolutely love this poem, and would really like to read some of “Helen’s” other work.

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