Feedback on Lazy | Teen Ink

Feedback on Lazy

January 13, 2015
By parkerstr8 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
parkerstr8 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
super rich kids with nothing but loose ends.
super rich kids with nothing but fake friends.

The poem, "Lazy" by Kelsey Manock is, as the title suggests, about being lazy. It is just three lines, which helps to emphasize this theme. The poem also tells a brief, concise story of somebody texting another person inside the house, rather than getting off his/her feet to talk to the person.
To me, this poem was very relatable. My mom often calls my phone from upstairs because she doesn't feel like coming down the stairs to talk to me. It made me really think what society was turning into. People "sitting on the couch" on their phones rather than having face to face interactions could really be detrimental. With loss of human contact and an increase of desire to be on electronics, humans will lose their ability to actually communicate. This wonderful poem could show people what could happen in the future, and possibly fight against it.

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