Feedback on Never | Teen Ink

Feedback on Never

January 25, 2015
By parkerstr8 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
parkerstr8 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
super rich kids with nothing but loose ends.
super rich kids with nothing but fake friends.

"Never" by Grace Coberly is a well written, relatable piece. It tells, in first person, a story of a girl who had a huge crush on a guy. She thought that her love for him was unrequited, and this idea is emphasized by the repetition of the word "never" throughout the text. She says things like "I never expectedto see my hand in yours" and it almost makes the reader feel bad for her for going so long thinking she would never be loved back by this boy. In the end, however, it is revealed that they ended up together and the boy really did love the girl back. The reader is able to feel empathetic for the narrator and relieved that the two ended up together.
This piece was very relatable to me. In the past, I thought I had no chance with a girl that I really liked. At times, I thought she absolutely hated and was embarassed by me. We were close friends, too, and I would have said something about my feelings, but I was afraid of the friendzone. It turned out, however, that she really did like me. We ended up together in the end and all those nevers that were in my head, like "I never expected you to love me," disappeared.

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