Feedback on "What Is Love?" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "What Is Love?"

January 27, 2015
By Syblys GOLD, New York. City, New York
Syblys GOLD, New York. City, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the teenagers that we are, many of us question what love is and will we ever find it. Our feelings and understanding of it can range from confused to just plain lost. And taht is something perfectly captured by the poem "What Is Love?" by Otis Roffman.Throughout the poem, he tries to discover what exactly love is. Love's representation in the media, particularly songs, its symptoms, and what people say about it is included. All of this combines to make a spectacular poem that I loved.

Along with the ever present confusion that is found in this piece, there are also several comedic lines that made me laugh out loud. One such example was when the two different points of views that society has about love was broached. These lines said that "They had to get their opinions straight/ That is why They are not in politics." I also liked the different ways that he tried to find out what love was before finding its definition and the ultimate answer to his question. This led to a very nonchalant ending. The entire poem was also very informal and friendly, the author's voice was very present. It didn't seem as if every word was agonized over, yet it didn't feel as if the entire thing was put togther in 30 seconds. The poem was well written and I enjoyed reading it.     

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