The Kitchen: A Place of Love | Teen Ink

The Kitchen: A Place of Love

February 6, 2015
By mirflo SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
mirflo SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The article The Kitchen: A Place of Love by Jennifer Y. was a very touching article. I can agree with everything she says. When I was young just like Jennifer my mother and grandmother own a business in the space I was living in. There would always be loads of dishes to wash and lots of cooking to be done and steam that would fill the kitchen, just like Jennifer’s house what like. I totally agree with Jennifer’s statement “…I remember how fast time passes-how something you once took for granted may not always be there the next day.” My mother died of colon cancer when I was just 11. I remember how fast it went, one day she would be sick and in the hospital then the very next day it felt like she had passed. In reality it was 2 years be for she had died. So I can agree with everything she says from the kitchen see to the time passing so fast.

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