Reaction to "The Quest to Eradicate Malaria" | Teen Ink

Reaction to "The Quest to Eradicate Malaria"

February 13, 2015
By Anonymous

“The Quest to Eradicate Malaria” by Isabella F. says that Malaria is a parasite that is transmitted by a group of mosquitos called Anopheles, which consists of over 400 species.  People are trying to find different ways to cure malaria, but the only feasible way would be an effective vaccine.

I agree with the points that the author made in her writing because malaria affects so many people each year.  If malaria is to be eradicated, we need a solution like, as she said, vaccinations that, “provides lifelong immunity.”  A group of researchers in Cape Town University have been working on a single-dose cure for malaria for several years, and they may have just figured it out.  They allegedly have gone through animal testing for eighteen months and found that the drug has no adverse side effects as well.  This drug has the potential to be just the tool we need to eradicate malaria once and for all.

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