Feedback on "Grandma" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Grandma"

March 6, 2015
By parkerstr8 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
parkerstr8 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
super rich kids with nothing but loose ends.
super rich kids with nothing but fake friends.

"Grandma" by Caitlin Chan is a well written, touchy poem. Through eloquent and concise phrasing, she tells the story of her grandmother's life. She was neglected as a child and seemed to be a burden on the family. Then, at age fourteen, she ran away from her dreadful homelife. Four years later, she had a son who really lit up her life. He was very smart and grandma bragged about his intelligence.
The end of this poem was when my eyes began to sting. Grandma died at age 64, just in time "to see her second grandchild./ A daughter." This quote shows to the reader that the narrator wasn't ever able to meet her grandmother. This idea gives the poem an element of contrast. The narrator has this wonderful story of her grandma, who she never met. Though she never remembers meeting her, and though her grandmother is dead, the narrator knows her grandma very well.

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