Timely Struggles | Teen Ink

Timely Struggles

April 26, 2015
By parkerstr8 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
parkerstr8 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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super rich kids with nothing but loose ends.
super rich kids with nothing but fake friends.

"Timely Struggles"

Grace Jin of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania drew a deeply wonderful painting that really proves the expression "a picture's worth a thousand words." The right half of the painting consists of an analog clock with two females holding onto the hands of the clock. One of them is a younger-looking girl, around six years old, who is holding onto a clock hand that is pulling her at ease. The other woman is pulling one of the clock's hands down toward her, but it is bending, not seeming to be able to come down.
On the right hand side of the painting is a teenage-looking girl. She is using all her weight and strength to try to hold back the analog clock that is rolling towards her. She seems to have some other source of weight she's trying to hold up as well - a mental weight that makes her holding the clock more difficult. In the background there is a barren desert with a cloudy sky.
The deep painting portrays a dark mood and shows some of life's struggles in different phases. The young girl has pigtails, resembling innocence. The clock bringing her off her feet, taking her childhood and innocence away from her. The girl holding the clock back is the result of this loss of innocence. She is trying to hold back time's problems and there is a lot weighing down on her. The older lady has experienced the struggles of life and her graying hair shows this. She has seen it all and her time is coming to an end. The title I came up with, "Timely Struggles" comes from all of this.

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