The Power of the Teenage Girl | Teen Ink

The Power of the Teenage Girl

October 26, 2015
By kayclemens2017 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
kayclemens2017 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“The Power of the Teenage Girl” by Dana K. hits home for many. In this selection Dana speaks of the challenges teenage girls face everyday. She describes how no matter what a teenage girl does they will never escape judgment as she writes, “The word has it out for the teenage girl tooth, nail, and keyboard.”   However on the contrary, she discusses how she has “seen so much good from teenage girls that never gets talked about.” I one hundred percent agree with this.

I see this problem in my own school girls are often put down for doing something great like going the extra mile to succeed. Instead of being encouraged by their peers they are often labeled as a “try hard.” Instead of encouraging and applauding these girls for their work they are made fun of. This simple act of making fun of girls can discourage them from wanting to succeed. I give Dana K. a great deal for being able to put these feeling into words.

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