77 Percent Equal | Teen Ink

77 Percent Equal

December 3, 2015
By lexipilot32 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
lexipilot32 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This article titled “77 Percent Equal” by Hannah V., left me feeling amazed. This writing was so powerful. It left me with a sense of reality. In this story Hannah writes, “He loves her, or so he says, loves her so much that if she’s seen with another guy she’ll end up dead. So she stays, stuck in a daze spinning between bruises and kisses a mouse wandering a maze.” She explains the confusion that comes along with an abusive relationship. It is crazy to think that these types of stories occur and can happen anywhere. Hannah also writes about another horrifying story as she explains, “But apparently her failure was the plaid skirt she was wearing on the train, exhausted from a long day of work.” She speaks of a time when a “beady-eyed” man stared at her with the plaid skirt she wore. It explains the true risk of living as a woman. Women these days have life harder in these types of situations.  I don’t think it is fair for women to be treated this way. Women can’t do certain activities in risks of situations like this. It is not fair for a woman to be worrying about what she is wearing or doing that could risk her life.

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