Our Contaminated Food Chain | Teen Ink

Our Contaminated Food Chain

January 25, 2016
By Anonymous

I agree with Courtney C. on the article Our Contaminated Food Chain when she states there are POPs in our food everyday. Several reasons why I agree is the fact the "the number of outbreaks of human infections [relate] raw fruits, vegetables, and unpasteurized fruit juices". Also, I am aware of the pesticides farmers and agricultural workers have been using on out crops which have caused health risks to humans and living organisms. POPscan be "found in all living organisms" including human blood and breast milk. Effects of these POPs can be harmful on children and adults as it can produce "allergies, asthma, obesity, Type 2 diabetes", etc. Along with the Stockholm Convention and the United Nations Environment Program, thank you Courtney for informing us about POPs and its pernicious results.

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