How to love | Teen Ink

How to love

February 18, 2016
By Dejag BRONZE, Phoneix, Arizona
Dejag BRONZE, Phoneix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When reading the article How to Love it was more than words on paper. Isabella captured my life in the moment without even knowing me. The way she described love and how there love was "like a tornado", that’s how I feel our love is beautiful but destructive. How can we love so much and at the same, we are slowing killing each other with our love, and Isabella capture’s that best through her beautiful words. She describe their life and their planning, like we did but in the end it’s a dream that you think you will see each other thinking the whole time it’s going to happen and it doesn’t you actually planned it and had to cancel because something came up, or you parents don’t want us together because the distance is so far, that I don’t know who he really is , and as I read Isabella article over and over again, I am moved every time by her words and how this article can bring up so many memories, so thank you Isabella for this wonderful article you made me understand that in life love "requires bleeding.”

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