"The Delights of Public Transport" | Teen Ink

"The Delights of Public Transport"

March 3, 2016
By Anonymous

There has never been an article in Teen Ink history to which I related quite as much as to Holly Streton's "The Delights of Public Transportation." In it, she describes all of the weird things that regularly happen to her on public transport, more importantly, the people she meets. The humorous text is written very well, covering all things she could possibly include.

As someone who requires public transport to get everywhere, the article left me nodding "yes" and recommending it to my bus-and-subway-riding friends. Her descriptions of characters such as "the wild card" or "the rowdy group of boys" whose "underwear blind[s] the poor old lady who was unfortunate enough to get off at the same spot" are hilarious. I especially enjoyed reading about how she dealt with unwanted attention, although she did not deal with it very well. It's good to know I'm not alone in these experiences.

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