Hijab | Teen Ink


April 4, 2016
By StefanyDubai BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
StefanyDubai BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Aribah in her argument when she wrote about the stereotyping she encounteted about her hijab exept I've experinced discrimination for being mexican. People always think im a immigrant just because I'm mexican.If you think all muslims are terroists or you think all mexicans are immigtants you are ignorant. Another time I experinced racism is when I was walking through an all white neighborhood and one guy said to me " get off our street you wetback ". I was so angry I was going to "show him a piece of my mind", but then I realized its not worth it. Thank you aribah for sharing your opinion on being confident and sticking up to those who put you down because of race/religion.

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