"My Coming Out" by Izzy Penston | Teen Ink

"My Coming Out" by Izzy Penston

May 8, 2016
By Anonymous

While Miss Penston's piece showcases the positive side to coming out to those you love, she doesn't touch upon the negatives, or struggles that those may have while trying to do so. Though her coming out story was overly positive, and she had an overwhelming amount of bravery in doing such, she doesn't capture the fear many have throughout the entire process. If those that didn't understand the LGBT+ community only read her piece, they would get a highly positive extreme, without seeing the other extreme. Coming out is repetition, over and over, as Miss Penston says in her piece. However, each time comes with a different reaction. Each time you do it comes with a chance of a negative reaction, as well as a positive one. So Miss Penston's work can serve as proof that its not always bad. It can provide hope to those that are afraid to come out to those they love, and that's an amazing thing. 

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