"Views" | Teen Ink


September 12, 2016
By Jackc BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Jackc BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Sara Gomez when she talks about how Drake songs sound better when there are more emotions in them.She talks about his new album "Views" and how some of his album Like "If you're reading this it's too late" and "What a time to be alive" don't sound as good because the vibe was diffrent, and people thought he sound like all the other rappers. I agree with her when she says "keep the family close," "redemption" and "U with me" have a soulful vibe like the songs on " Take Care". Some people might like when Drake raps non stop, but then there are some people who likes when he sings in some songs. I also agree when she talks about how "Drake switches from rapping to singing is poetic." I thank Sara for pointing out how Drake sometimes sounds better when he has more emotions and the diffrent vibes and people his new album brings. 

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