Death of a Bachelor by Isabella Luxenberg | Teen Ink

Death of a Bachelor by Isabella Luxenberg

September 19, 2016
By chrixtne2468 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
chrixtne2468 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Her article, "Death of a Bachelor," written by Isabella Luxenberg was a splendid read because I got to understand more of the "pop punk" band written by the author herself. I did not acquire the chance to perceive the band and its music beforehand, yet Isabella did establish a marvelous job describing the song and the band's style. It was quite facinating how she included that the band's style was about the main vocalist's, Brendan Urie's journey through finding his style of sound through teaching an early band from high school from his lifetime. I wholeheartedley agree that she mentions that the band was a "unique" type of group. Though the suggestion of my friend and listening to one of Panic! At the Disco's song   from an online radio service, I've realized how the band is appaling to a most people. Thank you Isabella for introducing a superb article of the band. 

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