Please Respect my Choice | Teen Ink

Please Respect my Choice

September 19, 2016
By amberpeck BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
amberpeck BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I agree with the points expressed in the article "Please Respect my Choice" by Ava Budavari-Glenn because the truth that is expressed about the double-standards of the presidential election. Bodavari-Glenn states that ," there are so many double standards: If you were a Bernie supporter you were 'progressive' but a communist." This emphaizes the fact that the manyt views upon the candidates are altered by the new opinions of the society. Even though the statements about them have a 'meaning' that could correlate to their beliefs, the media is taking the comments and changing how the facts are precieved and presented to the viewers. So, eventhough I do not follow the candidates, I believe that the alterations on their statements needs to state the truth and not what people are wanted to believe. 

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