My Fugitive CHild | Teen Ink

My Fugitive CHild

September 26, 2016
By kayaseiman BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
kayaseiman BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jack, your piece “My Fugitive Child” moved me so much and made me want to make a difference in the world and help immigrants. When I read about you having to pay your parents bills at the age of 7, and how at 11 you had buy health insurance, and then at  13 you had to work 25-35 hours a week. I thought how amazing it is for a young kid to do all that.

I can’t imagine how hard it must have been having to learn English and learning to say words with an English accent to protect your family from getting deported or not even speaking in school because I love talking. That is so brave of you. But what really moved me was the end of your story. That you wouldn’t take any other life because that is what made you, you.
My heart melts for you and your family. I admire you, for working so hard to provide for your family, being different and not caring what other people think of you and not wanting to have any different life because this makes you, you. You are a trooper and there is no other way to put that.

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