The New Kid | Teen Ink

The New Kid

September 28, 2016
By katehowell BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
katehowell BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the article by Sousan Rawwagah “The New Kid”, the author writes about how he is new kid at a school and no one tries to include him, no one tries to make him feel wanted. All the kids have grown up together. He feels like he is an outcast and not actually part of the school. At recess he sits alone and kicks the dirt instead of playing tag or hopscotch like he used to do. He scuffs up his sneakers so when he goes home he can tell him mom about his not-so amazing first day of school. 
This article makes think differently about the kids that enter my school. At the school that I attend, all of the kids are pretty close because we have been together since kindergarten, except a few exceptions. We all know each other on a personal level, knowing where they live and who their siblings and parents are. I can compare to the author. Our school is a hard school to just come into, it is like trying to fit into a puzzle that you just don’t belong to. We try to include the new kids at recess and at lunch by sitting with them and showing them where the classes are. We try our best to make them feel welcome but maybe it’s just not enough. We may just not see the whole story.

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