Invisible Damage | Teen Ink

Invisible Damage

December 9, 2016
By Kelsey_Eaton SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
Kelsey_Eaton SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
9 articles 4 photos 2 comments

When I read the article "Invisible Damgae" by Mikhayla D, I felt a connection on a personal level. Like Mikhayla, I have had a few people say things to me that internally hurt me... multiple times. I am so sorry for her because I know how it feels and it's not a pleasant feeling. 


"But some punches bruise beyond the skin and into the soul," Mikhayla wrote. That quote made me understand that I am not the only one that ever felt that way. It's a feeling of being lonely and unwanted. Thank you, Mikhayla, for helping me understand that I am not alone. 

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