One hundred years old | Teen Ink

One hundred years old

January 9, 2017
By jab2020 BRONZE, Defince, Ohio
jab2020 BRONZE, Defince, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One hundred years old
Written by Genevieve L.

I felt proud after reading this story.  She can’t hear very well, but she is still moving around, and that is wonderful. The way she stands up to people makes her decisions brave. Her lawyer was her To go to the nursing home, so she went and looked at the place. When they got there her lawyer left.  It took her three days before she got a hold of a phone.. She started to leave when a nurse stopped her. One lady put a hand on her and she bit it. When the police officer came, she knew him since he was a little boy. I think it is a strong way of saying she’s not done living her life to the fullest.

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