Building My Family | Teen Ink

Building My Family

November 9, 2017
By Anonymous

I can relate to Madelyn T. as she says that she is anxious about having to teach all the new people in her section and I've been in that same position before. As arguably the second best marimba player and soon to be section leader it's my job to teach the new people how to play with the right technique, the warmups with the right scales, and the warmup song that we play. At the end of the season though I get to see much they've grown and how much better they've gotten and it's a great feeling knowing that I was able to help them get this far. I do consider my section family and after talking with one of the best player in the school he says that he feels the same brotherly love for everyone. So thank you Madelyn T. for explaining and putting into words how much closer everyone gets by the end of the season.

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