Proud, yet ashamed | Teen Ink

Proud, yet ashamed

September 16, 2012
By Esperanza0220 BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
Esperanza0220 BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm only a teenager, but I have a good idea about what goes on in the world. I'm Mexican and very proud of being one, yet sometimes I get the feeling that many people hate Hispanic people. Anger roles through my veins wondering what the reason is for the border patrol. Did we do something bad? Did I do something bad? I've heard people say really bad things about Mexicans which I will not repeat here. The clock is ticking, six minutes until September 16, Mexico's Independence Day. Should I be proud to celebrate? People could say that I'm a terrible person for thinking this. I love being Mexican and being with my family makes me a whole. It's hard to deal with school though. I feel out of place. There aren't many Hispanics, and the majority of the students are white. Of course I'm not being racist, but I feel so intimidated by them. I feel different. I feel like I will never be able to accomplish anything because they all have blond hair, while I have brown hair and dark skin. As I come to the end of writing this, I feel guilt because I know that I am ashamed and maybe a bit disappointed in myself and in my race. I am proud, yet ashamed.

The author's comments:
Earlier today my cousin was watching a video today labeled, "Racist White Girls." I watched the video and I was horrified and speechless. The two girls in the video were saying awful things about Mexicans, and it really affected me. By writing this, I hope that people will understand that what you say about a person's race, can really affect them even if you intended for it to be a joke.

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