Only Kindness | Teen Ink

Only Kindness

October 22, 2019
By Anonymous

How would the world react if everybody was kind? How would you react? And how would the people you surround yourself with react? The question I would ask myself is, how can we do that? How can we make this world a better place and a better environment? Well there are a couple different routes we can take. But the very first one I would take is: Kindness. The word kindness, meaning generous and considerate. Now I know that I get a fluttery feeling when somebody is kind to me. I would hopefully imagine that you get that feeling too. Kindness is shown everyday, without us even knowing it. It can be the littlest symbol, to make our days better.

Imagine, you come home from school. Throw your backpack to the floor of your room. And just have no motivation at all for homework. I am sure we have all had those bad days before. Where every little thing is irritating you. I know I have for sure. But what can we do on those types of days? Really nothing, it’s just having a bad day. A couple hours past by and you decide to tag along to the store with your father. Have you done your homework yet? No. Have you studied for the test tomorrow? Nope. Haven’t done that either. You stress inside your head and things are just getting worse as the day goes by. “That’s a pretty shirt you got on there.” A pipsqueak voice says smiling. You realize an elderly woman has stopped you from sulking and compliments you. This has made your day. It’s the little things that count.

It really is the little things that count. I question myself a lot of times on why kids from kindergarten to even your senior year in highschool, get bullied. Approximately 160,000 teens have skipped school because of bullying. If your wondering why I went from the topic of kindness to bullying is because we can make a difference by being kind. If you see someone getting bullied, do not stand there. It is the worst thing you can do, so you should stand up against bullying when you see it happening. Now if you have been bullied or currently being bullied reach out to someone you trust.Its never too late, and you are not alone. 

What are some ways to be kind? Smile to somebody and make there day better. You never know what someone is going through outside of school. So give them a smile to make it better. Smile More! Want a couple more ways to be kind? Give somebody a compliment. Us humans enjoy compliments truly. Hold open the door, say please and thank you, meet new people! These are all great ways on how to be kinder and how we can increase the positivity around us. It really only takes a couple of words to make a day better. Think about this and follow The Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated. Disney’s Bambi once said “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”  It is very important that we are kind. You can make a change to the world with only kindness.

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