My Building Block to Democracy | Teen Ink

My Building Block to Democracy

October 28, 2019
By Lorb BRONZE, Colgate, Wisconsin
Lorb BRONZE, Colgate, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My neighbor, who passed away a few years back, Roy, was a WWII veteran. He was the closest thing to being my grandpa without being my grandpa. He taught me how to golf, took me out to eat, and made me fall in love with Werther’s Caramel candy. I didn’t realize it when I was younger, but the more that I think about it now, I have realized that veterans like Roy is what makes this country great. 

One thing that Roy told me will always stick with me: “You will never be heard, unless you put yourself out on a limb and speak up.” That quote alone has inspired me to vote, because he is right. 

There is no way to be heard unless I stick up for myself and stand up for what I believe in. He defended the nation willingly so individuals like me can cast their vote when they are of age to keep to democracy that our great nation is founded on intact. It makes me feel whole as a person, and I feel obligated to vote now.

My building block to democracy will mean I will put a stake into the future that surrounds America. Each vote is a building block to creating the great nation we call home. The sacrifice of the men and women who laid down their lives so we can live in a democracy cannot go unnoticed or not acted upon. 

It will become a great honor to finally give back to the society around me and show how appreciative I am of the men and women that sacrificed their lives for our country. I will make sure that I vote every time I get the chance, while also encouraging friends and family to do the same. Making sure that my voice is heard in our democracy. So Roy and his brothers and sisters in arms sacrifice does not go to waste.

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