Games | Teen Ink


December 11, 2021
By HANAELSTER BRONZE, Kensington, Maryland
HANAELSTER BRONZE, Kensington, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

King of the Mountain, a child’s game we all partake in throughout the years of our adolescence. However, the game demonstrates the setup for the rest of our lives. Throughout my twelve years of being enrolled in four different schools, the game has been played in every single one. We tell ourselves, as we get older, we will no longer enjoy silly games from our childhood, but that is a lie. The battle for popularity and dominance over an entity has proven that our society is damaged. Feeling like I am a player being pushed and thrown down the mountain as others step on me to dethrone the king, belittles me through every single push. Why is it necessary to obtain power and social status in a world that will only criticize you for it? Did the creators of the game base their ideas off of the reality that every person secretary desires to be on top? Although some may try to be unique and ‘above all that’, the small seed to desire power blooms within them at a chance for the spotlight. So, what if we were all equal, all powerful in our own spectacular ways? Secretly we all are. Every single person has one thing that they can call their own superpower. Mine? Well, I’m not sure yet. I haven’t been given the chance to test my powers due to a world that shuns you for not fitting in. If I try to test my powers, one may be frightened or scared of a certain dominance. We see this in movies such as Divergent where those who are different are executed. Life should not be about small pointless acts of power, but what we do with it to help others become the best they can be. 

The author's comments:

After observing behavior of my fellow peers I have been able to find patterns in life that I feel are very closely connected to who I am and to who we are a young adults. 

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