The Memories of the Red, White, and Blue | Teen Ink

The Memories of the Red, White, and Blue

May 16, 2024
By 5roy BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5roy BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up to the song “Party in the USA” by Miley Cyrus blaring in the kitchen. Today is the best day of the year, I remind myself. Waking up with no time to spare, I change into my red, white and blue outfit, brush out my morning hair and tumble down the stairs and bolt into the kitchen.

The warm peach cobbler scones sitting on the counter right in front of my brother.

“Hey, leave some for the rest of us!” I sarcastically said to him.

  I quickly devoured my scone and ran outside because our friends and family arrived. It was 10:00 am at this point and all we wanted to do was get the party started. Bean bags, floaties in the pool, frisbee golf, and badminton were already set up. “What are we waiting for? Let's go have some fun.”

I changed into my swimsuit and we all flipped right into the pool. The smell of burgers, hot dogs, and brats filled the air as the dads were grilling out. Looking around all I noticed was laughter and smiles, everyone getting along, no fighting, arguing, all sunshine and rainbows, this is what this day is truly about.

We all downed some lunch and headed straight into the bags and badminton tournament that has a big prize on the line, $100. The tournament went on for an hour, but of course it was my older brother that won (like he does every year), no one can stop the man. 

The sun dipped down, fireworks were being hauled out of the garage. We went in a circle far away from the launch area. Laying in the staring at the fireworks BOOM BOOM BOOM. The rapid set off of each firework echoed off of the neighbors houses. 

I lie in my bed, skin red from the sun, looking back at this day, taking away the fun memories, laughter and smiles, what could get better than that. Fourth of July is the day my family comes together at my house to have a great time, where we enjoy one another, and make the best memories in one big backyard.  

The author's comments:

I am a high school student at Arrowhead High Union High School and I am writing this in a class called creative writing. I am interested in this contest because I want to share the fun fourth of July memories through this piece of writing. 

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