Metamorphosed | Teen Ink


May 16, 2024
By Person583621743 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Person583621743 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I looked down the hallway that led to the kitchen, lined with green wallpaper and maroon tiled floors. The house seemed styled for an older era. Hardly any of the place had carpet. It was all rigid hardwood or cold tiles. Not even the furniture looked that soft or comforting. It was a long drive after a long day of 5th grade class to get here. I didn’t understand why this house was even worth considering buying.

Walking down the clean, white hallway leading to the kitchen, I drag my bare feet through the carpet. I grab a croissant, a small breakfast, and head to the living room. I sink into the consumingly deep couch, and turn on the TV.

Heading into the basement, the stairs bend and creak like they are about to fold in onto themselves. Walking around, I realize the concrete floor is even colder than the tiles were. While being careful to keep my head low, so as to not hit any spiderwebs, I get to the middle of the room and pull the thin string turning on a light. I look around at the half-made walls with insulation spilling out. 

I go down into the typical Wisconsin basement, quickly leaping down the sturdy stairs. I flip a light switch so I can see better, and run towards a shelf up against the wall. Rummaging through the items, I find the game I was looking for and hop back up the stairs.

I walk out the backdoor and meet up with my family. The backyard is stunning. There are trees everywhere. The grass is thick, and the tree leaves are a brilliant shade of light green, same as a mint ice cream. The sun beaming through the forested canopy feels warm, and so does the slight breeze. We hike up the hill that composes most of the backyard, and look around from a vantage. The back of the hill traveled farther into the forest, where we could see a rafter of turkeys, and a small marsh beyond them. It was then that we all knew this was the house that we should get. We were sure we could make the rest of the house work in time.

The author's comments:

I wrote about moving houses because I thought it was a good reflection of what home means to me.

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