family is important | Teen Ink

family is important

May 17, 2024
By 4bodway PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
4bodway PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your home is the place that is meant be be your safe space where you let everything go and be yourself and you can only really do this because the people around understand you for you and because they love all your quirks and flaws. You can do this because they are family.

Now my family is important to me because of how they have helped me become a great person with my dad teaching me how to always defend myself in times of injustice, and my mom teaching me how to always have empathy for others. My older brother taught me how to act properly in social settings and how to overcome certain challenges in life, and my younger brother taught me how to have a fresh perspective on certain topics and how to be more open to change in life.

Now well they can help you be prepared for the outside world if you need it they are there to also protect you from it, and they do it in multiple ways like being a shoulder to cry on or just a person who listens to you when you need to rant or someone who will cheer you up when times are rough.

Now an example of this is during freshman year of high school, now because of the fact that I was virtual during the year I was doing horrible and my classes so after freshmen was over I thought a lot about giving up and not trying in school anymore but my family helped me to understand that I was gonna be okay and that I was gonna still do fine in high school.

Now this goes to show how important family is with them understanding you for who are are, helping you to become a great person so you do well in the future, and helping to protect you from the outside world if needed. 

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