The Grade That Changed Me | Teen Ink

The Grade That Changed Me

November 10, 2013
By sudha medapati SILVER, West Windsor, New Jersey
sudha medapati SILVER, West Windsor, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My heart was beating and running and screaming to finish the test. This was the midterm if I don’t pass this then I’ll never get in the honor roll. I scroll my head around the table and see as the students next to me finish the test so quick. It amazed my brain that their hand was moving so quickly and then there’s me, barely understanding what I am looking at. So to be honest I studied but all the wrong things, I was going to ask the teacher some questions but I was being the largest procrastinator so I just went to recess instead.

Amanda gets up gives the test to the teacher and comes back with a smile. So then there are only three more kids taking the test with only five minutes left. I was on question 19 and there are 35 questions. I have no time I repeated told myself. I started quickly looked at the short answer questions and I felt some blank and some were not in full sentences. I quickly wrote down some random answers as well. “only 3 more minutes” yelled the teacher. He was coming around to take the tests. By this point I circles random letters for the multiple choice. I handed my test in as I hoped to god I would atleast get a b or an 87. “ ok class great job today and I’ll grade these and get them back to you on Monday” declared our teacher. I left that room knowing I failed.

It was typical Monday morning and I walked in the class room very tired. “ok class iam very happy with the test only one person in the class didn’t get over a b” said the teacher. I assumed I didn’t get the B. He was passing the test and everyone had a simile and he hands the test to me looking confused. I look at it and it read C+. I wanted to tear it up and start crying. I starred at it and saw I got more than ten wrong. I started feeling tears rolling down my cheek. I cried. This is the first time cried in school and because of a test. No one realized me crying but I hid it.

From that I learned three things. Number one, start studying more! Number two, work slowly and concentrate during. Number three, remember that its ok to fail in a test and accept the mistake and learn from the mistake. Now for every test I study and tell myself its ok to fail as long as you learned from it and fixed it.

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