Valentine's Day for one | Teen Ink

Valentine's Day for one

February 11, 2014
By Irvin Reyes BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Irvin Reyes BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I found Madison Endicott's article "Valentine's Day for one" extremely moving, because she had the courage to do something most girls would not do. Madison was fully aware that on Valentine's Day she would be alone. However, instead of crying about it and eating a whole tub of ice cream, she decided to go out to a restaurant, the mall, and even watch a movie by herself. Throughout the whole experience she felt that "it seemed like everybody wanted to point out my solitude, but I didn't mind". There were moments she felt that she made a mistake. Fortunately, though in the end she realized that nobody should spend Valentine's Day alone, but she was glad she tried it. Thank you, Madison for being brave enough to do what you did, and even more for sharing it.

The author's comments:
Hope this year you do not spend Valentine's Day alone.

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